Voyager News

Articles and features discussing the latest news and trends affecting the maritime industry as well as latest updates from Voyager Worldwide

Shipping: connected but not yet smarter?

The trouble with surveys is that they can leave the compiler, as well as the reader, with as many questions as answers. The Futurenautics Maritim…

March 29, 2016 – Voyager News

Cyber-activity, connectivity, human communication and a better weather forecast

A busy month in February, which saw two of the leading societies publish guidance on tackling cyber risk, collaboration on joint software and …

March 28, 2016 – Voyager News

Cruise bets big on China demand

With the current pressure on the container shipping and dry bulk sectors, as well as the carnage being experienced in the offshore sector, the br…

March 22, 2016 – Voyager News

A round up of news in December 2014

This month the focus has been on the human factor: from self-assessment of safety and the high level view of supply and demand, to learning to…

December 30, 2015 – Voyager News

Climate, environment, corruption and more

November was a busy month for the industry – not least for the horse trading and position-taking ahead of the COP21 meeting going on in Pari…

December 7, 2015 – Voyager News

Open standards, innovation and a cloudy outlook

Little to celebrate in the world of shipping last month except the firm tanker market. The Tripartite group gave a gloomy prognosis of the out…

November 5, 2015 – Voyager News

All roads lead to Shanghai

Until Chinese Premier Xi Jingping’s visit to the UK last week, it was probably fair to say that the ‘One Belt, One Road’ (OBOR) initiati…

October 30, 2015 – Voyager News

When you come to a fork in the road…When you come to a fork in the road…

T and communications for shipping stands at a fork in the road. In one direction lies the promise of hugely increased bandwidth and the potent…

October 23, 2015 – Voyager News

Technology, trends and testbeds – the news in September

It was a busy September for shipping with the second London International Shipping Week dominating proceedings in an already busy event season…

October 7, 2015 – Voyager News