New Edition Alert – IHS Markit Ports & Terminals Guide 2019–2020

The 2019 Edition IHS Markit’s Ports & Terminals Guide 2019–2020 is now available. Providing you with the very latest up to date ports an…

November 5, 2018 – 新闻

Cyber today, carbon tomorrow

Cyber threats, a global economic crisis and energy price fluctuations rank higher in the minds of senior shipping industry executives than air po…

November 1, 2018 – Uncategorized

GNS and SIRM announce strategic partnership to deliver expanded range of cost-effective cloud-based services for ship managers

Agreement will leverage GNS’s unique data and software capabilities and SIRM’s cloud computing and ship-shore communications expertise. LONDO…

October 23, 2018 – Voyager Product Announcements, 新闻

GNS and Risk Intelligence launches Risk Intelligence System and GNS Voyager HUB cooperation

Risk Intelligence A/S (“Risk Intelligence”) and Global Navigation Solutions Limited (“GNS”) have announced the launch of the Risk Inte…

October 16, 2018 – Voyager Product Announcements, 新闻, Maritime Security

Does culture stand in the way of a data-driven business?

The shipping industry is continuing to move towards what is generally agreed to be a digital future, defined by greater use of data and analytics…

October 16, 2018 – Uncategorized

The transformation game (and how to play it better)

Leveraging big data to manage operational costs and simplify compliance should be on every superintendent’s radar says GNS CEO Paul Stanley The…

October 12, 2018 – Uncategorized

GNS launches Voyager FLEET INSIGHT to reduce spending and improve compliance

Users of Voyager FLEET INSIGHT report savings of between 30% and 70% on outlay of navigation data, improved vessel visibility and simplified com…

October 9, 2018 – Voyager Product Announcements

Just in time for safety?

10 years after the collapse of Lehman Brothers the financial sector is engaging in a bout of introspection and self-analysis. Why the collapse ha…

September 24, 2018 – Uncategorized

Getting Smarter? How the IMO plans to shape future regulation

Is the International Maritime Organization on something of a roll? The shipping industry’s primary regulator, so often derided as being insuffi…

September 20, 2018 – 新闻