Bigger data, better technology, less ballast

A month of disappointment for some as the IMO’s member states failed to ratify the Ballast Water Convention and the EU moved ahead with MRV,…

June 2, 2015 – Uncategorized

GNS charts course beyond ECDIS compliance

Paul Stanley is a somewhat unconventional Chief Executive Officer, at least for one who leads a global distributor of navigation charts. Where…

May 27, 2015 – Uncategorized

It’s not something that happens, it’s something you create

What does the future look like? It’s a question asked with increasing frequency as we try to understand the implications of the technology r…

May 27, 2015 – Uncategorized

More rules, regulations and rumblings

Spring is in the air but for parts of the shipping industry, winter is clinging on. As the conference circuit moved from snowy Connecticut to …

May 1, 2015 – 新闻

Growing together or growing apart? Sea Asia 2015

Singapore is very much about delivering a cluster of maritime-focussed services that put the stress on government backing and encouragement in…

April 23, 2015 – Uncategorized

Tweet in haste, repent at leisure

In the official programme of the Connecticut Maritime Association’s annual conference, the day doesn’t end at the close of business hours,…

April 13, 2015 – 新闻

Washington, we have a problem…

From the outside looking in, there has never been a better time to be in the satellite business. The industry is in the throes of a transition…

March 30, 2015 – Uncategorized

Skills, seafarers and superintendents

Given the changes that have taken place in shipping since 2008, there is no reason to suppose that the management of its human resources would…

March 23, 2015 – 新闻

Economic or environmental imperative? It could be both.

The first part of our interview with Roger Strevens spelt out the concerns of Trident Alliance members about the enforcement of IMO rules on l…

March 13, 2015 – Uncategorized