Cyber Security – Is your IT Network secure?

“I wouldn’t say the house is on fire yet, but every item of wood and paper is doused in petrol” A rash of recent media articles an…

May 15, 2014 – 新闻

Inmarsat confirms no delay to next GX launches

We’ve been keeping an eye on the news agenda this month as the unrest in Ukraine briefly threatened to have unintended consequences for mari…

May 8, 2014 – Voyager Product Announcements

Full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes

Inmarsat Maritime President Frank Coles is a man on a mission. Not known to be either shy or retiring, he combines the kind of physical presen…

May 5, 2014 – Voyager Product Announcements

Futurenautics – Shipping’s Technology-Enabled Future

We are pleased to be part of Futurenautics, ( a new information resource specifically designed to identify relevant tech…

May 5, 2014 – Voyager Product Announcements

Come together: Can the IMO reach e-Navigation Nirvana?

We’ve spoken to John Erik Hagen, regional director the Norwegian Coastal Administration and chair of the working group responsible for the p…

May 4, 2014 – 新闻

Eye to the telescope? The shipowner’s view of e-Navigation

When John Murray of the International Chamber of Shipping delivered the keynote at the recent e-Navigation Revolution conference in London, he…

April 28, 2014 – Uncategorized

“Machines should work, humans should think”

Improving the experience for humans through better design and operation of ships is a subject that continues to attract attention from a varie…

April 2, 2014 – Uncategorized

Think seafarers have a hard life? Try being a superintendent

We know that seafarers have a difficult job because we hear about it on a daily basis. No-one disagrees that it can be a dangerous life onboar…

March 28, 2014 – 新闻

For the driverless ship, read the paperless office

There is an unwritten rule of journalism that if a headline asks a direct question, then the answer to that question is usually negative. Thus…

March 21, 2014 – Uncategorized