Paperwork and data futures under discussion

We’ve been keeping an eye on the news agenda during what has been a busy start to the year and rounding up major stories that made headlines…

March 21, 2014 – Uncategorized

When paper fails, try a dose of change management

Alex Goulandris remembers very clearly the moment when he realised there had to be a better means of managing shipping documents than relying …

February 28, 2014 – 新闻

The space race continues

We’ve been keeping an eye on the news agenda during what has been a busy start to the year and rounding up major stories that made headlines…

February 14, 2014 – 新闻

Overcoming resistance to change: can shipping programme crew for success?

‘Why can’t shipping be more like aviation?’ It’s a refrain commonly heard at conferences and forums around the world. The answer is st…

January 25, 2014 – 新闻

Why shallow waters mean deep trouble

Human error, fatigue, complacency, deviation from the passage plan, poor risk assessment or management of bridge resources. All have been cont…

January 25, 2014 – 新闻

Measuring to manage or managing to measure?

You can’t manage what you don’t measure, is the mantra of operational efficiency. It’s an article of faith which the shipping industry q…

January 25, 2014 – Uncategorized

Out of sight, not out of touch

Seafarers and ship captains in particular, have traditionally sought to be masters of their own destiny. In the latter’s case, with legal re…

January 25, 2014 – Uncategorized