Voyager Blogs

Articles and features discussing the latest news and trends affecting the maritime industry as well as latest updates from Voyager Worldwide

It could have been worse, and might be yet

One name dominates any review of the last 12 months in shipping. And as the Ever Given finally unloaded its cargo across Northern Europe, insurer…

September 16, 2021 – Voyager News, Voyager Blogs

Who’s afraid of Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is – depending on your perspective – humanity’s greatest technological advance or the greatest risk to its …

August 26, 2021 – Voyager News, Voyager Blogs

A Tale of Two Industries (Part Two)

If any further reminder was needed of the gulf that separates the business suits from the boiler suits in shipping then the Pandemic has provided…

August 5, 2021 – Voyager News, Voyager Blogs

Welfare, social mobility and the future of seafaring

The last 18 months have shown the collective inability of the shipping industry – charities, corporates, unions and even the IMO – to…

July 22, 2021 – Voyager News, Voyager Blogs

Digital shipping takes a lesson in tough love

What can shipping learn from the airline industry? Not a new question certainly but one whose importance has not diminished as owners struggle to…

June 23, 2021 – Voyager News, Voyager Blogs

Going short?

The world might still be battling to control COVID-19 but the signs are that the global economy is ready to roar once more. Record prices for som…

June 10, 2021 – Voyager News, Voyager Blogs

Shipping's data genie is out of the bottle

The pandemic has changed much and yet the maritime industry has so far at least escaped the kind of structural impacts affecting other sectors. T…

May 27, 2021 – Voyager News, Voyager Blogs

Who put the D in ESG?

Finance made available on the basis of the principles of an environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy is, we are told, the future. The …

April 29, 2021 – Voyager News, Voyager Blogs

The answer is transparency, now what was the question?

As we all know by now, the world’s media attention can shift very quickly when bad news strikes. And the grounding of Ever Given wasn’t even …

April 14, 2021 – Voyager News, Voyager Blogs