Voyager Blogs

Articles and features discussing the latest news and trends affecting the maritime industry as well as latest updates from Voyager Worldwide

Shipping industry is set for a growth year but 2021 has multiple risks to navigate

Digital survey respondents predict a bounceback year and say that digitalisation is the overwhelming trend for investment and upskilling After th…

April 1, 2021 – Voyager News, Voyager Blogs

Play your cards right

“There will be no cheap fuel in future” is a phrase that should arguably be repeated mantra-like at the start of every discussion about decar…

March 17, 2021 – Voyager News, Voyager Blogs

Humans are (still) key to managing the risks of digitalisation

Digitalisation and decarbonisation will be the defining issues for shipping over the next quarter of a century. But the scale of the change they …

March 3, 2021 – Voyager News, Voyager Blogs

How a digital imbalance puts trade on a two-tier track

One of the key lessons learned early in the pandemic was the need to ensure business continuity of the critical supply lines, notably maritime ga…

February 22, 2021 – Voyager News, Voyager Blogs

Today’s action for tomorrow’s business

Shipping was the original driver of globalisation and remains the critical component of global supply chains. That it seems, will not change, tho…

February 3, 2021 – Voyager News, Voyager Blogs

The invisible industry?

There are lots of good things to be said for shipping; its position as the fulcrum on which the global economy turns, success in reducing major a…

January 20, 2021 – Voyager News, Voyager Blogs

Clearing a path to decarbonisation

We have observed before on this blog, shipping is subject to a ‘licence to operate’, implicitly granted by a wide group of stakeholders. Ther…

December 17, 2020 – Voyager News, Voyager Blogs

Can cyber threats be regulated?

There’s another digital deadline looming, but this is no millennium bug, promising to unleash chaos but delivering little by way of real impact…

December 10, 2020 – Voyager News, Voyager Blogs

And now, the good news?

There will be no cheap fuel in future is the common refrain of experts whose job it is to parse the flow of information around the pathways to de…

November 20, 2020 – Voyager News, Voyager Blogs