New skills, old problems: the crewing crisis in a competency context

The shipping industry has a worsening crewing crisis. But like other crises, it’s one that is bad, but not severe enough to stop ships trading …

February 1, 2017 – Uncategorized

ECDIS: from problem to solution?

In a series of blogs last autumn, we asked why ECDIS still appears to be causing serving navigators so many operational problems, so long after t…

January 10, 2017 – Uncategorized

It takes two: smarter ships, smarter people

The impact that an era of ‘smart shipping’ will have on seafarers is the subject of much debate – and some concern – among providers of m…

December 13, 2016 – Uncategorized

GNS chosen to supply P&O Ferries

The leading ferry company will take advantage of GNS solutions to deliver purchasing cost efficiencies and simplify navigation management and com…

November 28, 2016 – Uncategorized

An ECDIS in the engine room?

The development, adoption and ratification of the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention has been an object lesson in regulatory risk. Ratified …

November 22, 2016 – Uncategorized

GNS moves to new larger premises in Piraeus

After a long and very happy stay at our address in Mesologiou Street, the GNS team in Piraeus, is moving to new offices. From Monday 7 November…

November 4, 2016 – Uncategorized

Denmark travels to the future

The Danish Maritime Days are over, or soon will be. The budget has been spent and whether the event goes into a fourth year in 2017 remains to…

November 2, 2016 – Uncategorized

It’s not about the ship

In taking the stage at the recent DigitalShip Two conference in Singapore, Anwar Siddiqui of Saudi shipping company Bahri made a brave admission.…

October 18, 2016 – Uncategorized

Can shipping meet the big data challenge?

It is almost impossible to attend a shipping conference or read an article at present without reference to Big Data. But rather like Voltaire’s…

September 27, 2016 – Uncategorized