Das Hochseeabkommen und Regulierung jenseits der Grenzen

Das Abkommen zum Schutz großer Teile der internationalen Meeresgewässer vor Verschmutzung und Zerstörung ist eine weitere Herausforderung für…

March 14, 2023 – Voyager Blogs

Voyager Worldwide sponsors Hellenic Dinner Dance

Voyager Worldwide are proud to be a sponsor of the Hellenic Dinner Dance being hosted for the 28th Anniversary. This is always considered a great…

February 24, 2023 – New Editions

Shopping, SIM cards and the ‘new normal’ for seafarers

Wie sieht der Alltag von Seeleuten, die heute an Bord eines Schiffes arbeiten, eigentlich wirklich aus? Wir alle kennen die Statistiken und meine…

October 19, 2022 – Voyager Blogs

Week 42 2022: Top picks from this week’s latest publication releases

This week’s New Editions Top picks from this week’s latest maritime publication releases and important regulatory guidance for each title …

October 13, 2022 – Aktuelles, New Editions

Week 41 2022: Top picks from this week’s latest publication releases

This week’s New Editions Top picks from this week’s latest maritime publication releases and important regulatory guidance for each title …

October 6, 2022 – Aktuelles, New Editions

Week 40 2022: Top picks from this week’s latest publication releases

This week’s New Editions Top picks from this week’s latest maritime publication releases and important regulatory guidance for each title …

September 30, 2022 – Aktuelles, New Editions

Celebrating World Maritime Day 2022

Shipping plays a vital role in world trade and is the backbone of the world economy, whilst this said seafarers are often overlooked. The risks…

September 29, 2022 – Aktuelles

Week 39 2022: Top picks from this week’s latest publication releases

New Editions for pre-ordering ECDIS Procedures Guide Recommended for all vessels [Code: WITH 305/ WITH 305-EB] Witherby Connect or Ha…

September 26, 2022 – Aktuelles, New Editions

Week 38 2022: Top picks from this week’s latest publication releases

New Editions for pre-ordering ECDIS Procedures Guide Recommended for all vessels [Code: WITH 305/ WITH 305-EB] Witherby Connect or Ha…

September 26, 2022 – Aktuelles, New Editions